Thursday, September 22, 2011

Restlessness, my curse...

So right now I'm on holidays.

I have free time coming out of my ears, and yet what am I doing? Sitting here writing a post about how restless I am.

I am extremely restless, I can't think, I can't sit still and I can't commit to anything!

I have the intense urge to kick my legs, punch things...I can't even keep my mind on this post for fricks sake...I am currently reading about how Aussie's can't seem to get enough sex...

I can't even waste time properly...even Sims has lost its appeal...

It may be because I'm not sleeping properly at the moment...but I don't like it...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

When life gets in the way...

Sometimes I wish I had more time to blog...but mostly I am just thankful that I have enough of a life to not have that time.

I was going to do a few series of posts, one was going to revolve around religion and where I stand with it (oh, don't groan, it will be clearly marked so you don't have to read it), because once again of the relapse of confusion yet inability to let go.

I was also going to do another couple of posts on humans in general, just people being dumb and other types of stuff.

Then I was going to once again consider combining at least this blog and my writing blog but then I thought what's the point of that, I created them seperately in the first place for a reason...and I like both.

I think most of that was just pointless statements but I like thinking out loud and considering I am at work well, I can't really talk to myself like I usually do you go.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

When addiction goes a little too far...

So...guess where I'm writing this from....


On my phone

Yep, my addiction to blogging has finally gone too far...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hello out there...

Hello out there fellow web-surfers....

today I remembered that I had this huh.

Do you know what was really sad though? I started laughing at my own jokes...a year after I had made them...I had a few..."haha, that's clever" moments.

In addition to my randomness which I may occasionally continue to spew every once in a while from now on...I may also post a bit of my craft being crochet.

Basically I can knit with only one stick! Damn, I'm awesome hehe.

I am currently working on a few blankets...most of which are fantastic (even if I do say so myself) and if I ever need to show someone said blankets...having a url to give them would be fairly easy...isn't it sad how much we rely on technology these days?

I am currently screaming at myself for being so out of character...usually I have a structured post - sometimes even for randomness - but tonight i have a spliting headache and a bleak oh well...

goodnight bloggerinos