Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why is this year going by so quickly?!?

Is it just me? or is this year half gone and it still feels like only last week I was celebrating New Years...

It's May...already. What the hell happened?

I can barely remember March for christ sake. And now Spirit Bound, which felt forever away is just around the corner from being released....Spirit Bound is a book for those who don't follow literature (Ash, Chrissy).

I'll be 19 soon...19 was always the age that I wanted to be frozen at, never get any older, just live my life at 19 my frozen life is 23, but it's getting closer to 26....

OMG, I'm getting old!!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

My Body Is My Temple: Day 7

Okie dokie...still doing okayish...although i did have a donut for breakfast lol. But other than that, no maccas, healthy water intake blah blah snore.

And guess body has had a reaction to my getting healthy!!!


For fricks sake...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Body Is My Temple: Day 3

Three days of no crap...and I don't feel any different, let alone better. Other than getting up a three o'clock in the morning to pee...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm going to try and get healthy! LOL

Ok, so my mum has noticed, my boss has noticed and I can feel it. I'm getting fat...dum dum dum

So for a whole month, I'm going to be good!

I will be drinking 2.5L of water, every day. Cutting down on processed food, eating more fruit, controlling portion size and cutting out excess sugar and salt. And joining a gym, which i have been saying im going to do for three months...

I am also cutting out the maccas. OMG

So not really "dieting" (aaahhh my ears are bleeding!!) just being healthy.

I think i can do that.

30th of April...please come soon

Well, I'm off to have a massive peach for lunch

Sorry, please excuse my sex addiction... times, i really hate the gall celebrities have!

Tiger Woods, disgraced golfer and billionaire has now come out and said that he has a sex-addiction and is in therapy.

I'm sorry, but that's a cop-out. He's not owning up to the fact that he's a pig who cheated on his wife. And is now hiding behind the lovely word

when anybody thinks "addiction" they think...

so anyone trying to free themselves of that must be such a good person.

But we're not talking about drugs, we're talking about sex. Yes sex addictions exist but Tiger Woods is a pig, maybe a partial addict, but a cheating pig. And now the world shall forgive him because he's getting help, maybe some anti-Viagra to help with his long-shot and a lovely little press release to make it all go away.

Don't you just love celebrities.