Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why is this year going by so quickly?!?

Is it just me? or is this year half gone and it still feels like only last week I was celebrating New Years...

It's May...already. What the hell happened?

I can barely remember March for christ sake. And now Spirit Bound, which felt forever away is just around the corner from being released....Spirit Bound is a book for those who don't follow literature (Ash, Chrissy).

I'll be 19 soon...19 was always the age that I wanted to be frozen at, never get any older, just live my life at 19 my frozen life is 23, but it's getting closer to 26....

OMG, I'm getting old!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Getting old is only in our mind.
    Age never prevented people from doing things:

    Besides, you are not even 30...
